University of Porto

Useful information



Support and assistance on arrival and during the period of stay

Academic aspects – contact with faculties, help in choosing the right course(s) and in preparing/changing the study/research plan. The U.Porto makes available to all grantees a Survival Guide with detailed information. Visa – direct and permanent contact with embassies, consulates, European commission delegations, SEF (Foreign and Immigration Services) and MNE (External Relations Ministry) in order to speed up the issuing of the visas and solve any pending matter. Accommodation – booking of a room for all grantees at World SPRU (mixed residence - Travel – whenever required by the coordination, the U.Porto will be able to book and pay for the scholarship holder’s travel to Porto. At arrival - Pick up at airport, support in registering at Finances and Foreign and Immigration Services (SEF), pre-opening of a Portuguese bank account. After arrival all grantees are registered in the Cooperation Office of the Rectorate of the U.Porto. In this welcoming session, students are provided with a student card and information about the city of Porto and the U.Porto. Full degree students need to register and enroll in the chosen course. The students are informed about the required documents and the deadlines depending on the course and faculty. The Erasmus Mundus team at the University of Porto provides all the support to students; the contact person of the U.Porto acts as a liaison officer between the student and the officers at the Faculty. During the mobility period, the Erasmus Mundus team organizes monthly mandatory meetings for all EM grantees as well as cultural and integration activities. In the end of mobility, the U.Porto also provides support in obtaining and sending the diplomas (if applicable) and the declarations of participation.


Halls of residence on offer

"The U.Porto books a room for all grantees at World SPRU (mixed residence).
Information on private accommodation is also provided to those who prefer this kind of accommodation."


Language courses on offer

The Faculty of Arts provides a wide range of language courses for students (English, German, Spanish, French and other non-EU languages). There is also available an Annual and an Intensive Course of Portuguese for Foreigners. The starting dates differ each year, but the intensive course is normally in September and in October and the annual course is given in each semester. The EMA2 students coming to the U.Porto for a period equal or superior to 10 months will have a mandatory language course so as to allow them to be better prepared for their mobility period. Such language course will be paid by the participation costs funding. All students whose mobility duration is less than 10 months will be offered the opportunity to participate in a language course but they will have to pay a small fee of approximately 200 EUR (varies each year) for enrollment. Detailed information on application deadlines, enrolment conditions and other relevant information is available at


Information on the cost of living, climate and cultural events


Support to disabled people

Disabled students should inform the International Office in advance, so that provision is taken regarding their accommodation. Some University halls of residence are already prepared for disabled people. Faculties operating in modern buildings have adequate architectural devices, but that does not always apply to older buildings. The SAED is a support service of the University which seeks to facilitate the integration of students with special education needs in the University of Porto. It aims to provide disabled students with the support they need to successfully accomplish their studies.


Monitoring Activities

Monthly mandatory meetings; permanent contact with the scholarship holders by email, telephone and through the regular meetings; permanent contact with the liaison officers at each faculty and responsible professors to monitor the oingoing activities.


Integration events organized by the University

Welcoming events to Erasmus Mundus students and to all international students; Christmas, Carnival and other local festivities' celebrations; other social and cultural events such as music concerts, picnicks, sports activities, etc.